Women and Medical Technologies

Isha L’Isha’s Women and Medical Technologies project deals with issues critical for the realization of women’s rights in the field of health, and specifically in the intersections between reproductive health, medical technologies, and socio-political norms. The project aims to establish the right for women’s autonomy over their own bodies, to reduce the use of women’s bodies for medical purposes and human experiments, to improve policies and regulations, to stop the commodification of women’s bodies, and to equip women with information and knowledge about their health rights. The project strives to open up public discourse and involvement on these issues, including the ethical, social and economic implications of reproductive rights and technological developments on society in general and on women in particular. To achieve these goals, the project employs strategies of networking, awareness-raising, empowerment, advocacy, establishment of a comprehensive data-base, and creating coalitions.

We will be updating this page with the project’s English publications soon. Meanwhile, you can contact the project coordinator, Ronit Piso, at ronitpiso@gmail.com for any information, networking or cooperation.